Maghrib in past & present, produit par le Centre d’études maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA), Épisode 1.


Passionate about literature, Amina Mekahli has been writing poetry since a very young age. Her first collection of poetry, Tiaret, Chevaux & Légendes, was co-authored with photographer Nacer Ouadahi in 2015 (Algiers: ANEP). The collection includes sixty poems and five folk tales on horses from Tiaret – Algeria’s famed horse-breeding region. In 2016, she published her first novel, Le Secret de la Girelle, a work dedicated to art and painting (Algiers: ANEP), which was nominated for the Prix Assia Djebar du roman that year. Her next novel,Nomade Brûlant, will be released in Fall 2017 (Algiers: ANEP), to coincide with the 22nd Salon International du Livre d’Alger  (SILA). Amina regularly posts her poems and prose on her website, and on social media. She also edits a literary section, “Invitation en Auteur” in the digital journal, Le Journal  de l’Oranais.

Author of sixteen literary texts – including prose, poetry, and theater, Maïssa Bey is a prominent Algerian author of international distinction. Her first novella, Nouvelles d’Algérie (Paris: Éditions Grasset), won the 1998 Grand Prix de littérature de la Société des gens de lettres. Her second novel, Cette fille-là (La Tour-d’Aigues: Éditions de l’Aube), received the 2001 Prix Marguerite Audoux. Subsequent awards include the 2005 Prix Cybèle for Surtout ne te retourne pas (Algiers: Barzakh), the 2008 Grand Prix du roman francophone SILA 2008 for Pierre, Sang, Papier ou Cendre (Algiers: Barzakh), and the 2010 Prix de l’Afrique Méditerranée/Maghreb for Puisque mon coeur est mort (La Tour-d’Aigues: Éditions de l’Aube). Her most recent work, Hiyza (Algiers: Barzakh) was nominated for the 2015 Prix Assia Djebar du roman.


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